Pamela, a 73-year-old living in Virginia, has always been a fighter. Born in Jamaica, she immigrated to the U.S. when her children were young. She worked as a nurse for 40 years and took on multiple shifts to ensure that her children, including our Chief Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer Camille Chang Gilmore, could go to college.
While Pamela is a pillar of strength for her family, the last few years have been tough. With a long history of heart disease, she had a stroke and two heart attacks in the last five years and underwent procedures to receive four SYNERGY™ Bioabsorbable Polymer Stents and an INOGEN™ Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD). Recently, after experiencing painful swelling in her right leg, physicians discovered blockages there. Pamela underwent a peripheral vascular procedure, in which doctors used below-the-knee percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) balloons, both the Sterling™ PTA Balloon Dilation Catheter and the Coyote™ Balloon Dilation Catheter, which were successful in opening the blood vessels in her lower right leg and foot.
These days, Pamela takes joy in her crossword puzzles and in being able to walk free of pain. Camille lovingly notes: “To think that my mom’s treatment journey includes the work of three Boston Scientific divisions, it’s incredible. We are so grateful to everyone who has contributed to getting my mom back on her feet.”
Pamela’s story is featured in our 2020 Performance Report.
- Safety information for the SYNERGY™ Bioabsorbable Polymer Stents can be found here.
- Safety information for the INOGEN™ Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator can be found here.
- Safety information for the Sterling™ PTA Balloon Dilation Catheter can be found here.
- Safety information for the Coyote™ Balloon Dilation Catheter can be found here.