Sep 23, 2003
COMPANION Trial Results to be Announced During Late Breaking Scientific Session at the Heart Failure Society of America 7th Annual Scientific Meeting

Updated Landmark Heart Failure Trial Data Submitted to Peer-Reviewed Journal

LAS VEGAS - Guidant Corporation (NYSE: GDT), a world leader in the treatment of cardiac and vascular disease, today announced that the COMPANION investigative team will present the results of the landmark Comparison of Medical Therapy, Pacing, and Defibrillation in Chronic Heart Failure (COMPANION) trial during a late breaking scientific session at the Heart Failure Society of America (HFSA) 7th Annual Scientific Meeting. The late breaking sessions at HFSA are scheduled to occur on September 24 from 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time.

"Since the preliminary data presentation in March 2003, we have rigorously collected the additional patient data required for publication," said Michael R. Bristow M.D., Ph.D., University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, who co-chaired the study with Arthur M. Feldman M.D., Ph.D., Thomas Jefferson Medical College.

Dr. Bristow will present the COMPANION results at 9:06 a.m. Pacific Time in a late breaking session titled "Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (CRT) Reduces Hospitalizations, and CRT + an Implantable Defibrillator (CRT-D) Reduces Mortality in Chronic Heart Failure: Results of the COMPANION Trial."

Complete trial results have been submitted to a major peer-reviewed journal for expected publication in the next several months. The COMPANION trial, sponsored solely by Guidant, studied patients with advanced heart failure (NYHA Class III or IV) who had a poorly functioning left ventricle, the heart''s main pumping chamber. Guidant plans to use the COMPANION data for U.S. Food and Drug Administration submissions on its cardiac resynchronization therapy devices.

Guidant Corporation pioneers lifesaving technology, giving an opportunity for better life today to millions of cardiac and vascular patients worldwide. The company, driven by a strong entrepreneurial culture of more than 11,000 employees, develops, manufactures and markets a broad array of products and services that enable less invasive care for some of life''s most threatening medical conditions. For more information visit
