Briefing Serves as a Call to Action to Address Significant Health Concern Indianapolis, IN - In an effort to provide increased visibility to a growing public health crisis-cardiovascular disease...

Data from INHIBIT Trial Shows In-Stent Restenosis Reduction With Radiotherapy Indianapolis, Ind. and Santa Clara, Calif. - Results from the INHIBIT (INtimal Hyperplasia Inhibition with Beta...

Landmark Study Examines Minimally Invasive Alternative for Treating Carotid Artery Disease Indianapolis, Ind., Santa Clara, Calif. and Newark, N.J. - Guidant Corporation (NYSE and PCX: GDT) and...

Indianapolis, Ind. and Santa Clara, Calif. - Guidant Corporation (NYSE and PCX: GDT), a world leader in the treatment of coronary artery disease, announced today that is has filed with the U.S....

Indianapolis, Ind. - Guidant Corporation (NYSE and PCX: GDT), a global leader in the development of medical technology for the treatment of cardiovascular and vascular disease, today announced...

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