May 8, 2002
Guidant Launches Next Generation Endoscopic Vessel Harvesting System

Indianapolis, Ind. and Santa Clara, Calif. - Guidant Corporation (NYSE and PCX: GDT), a world leader in the treatment of cardiac and vascular disease, today announced the launch of its fifth generation VASOVIEW® 5 Endoscopic Vessel Harvesting System for extracting vessels used by surgeons during coronary artery bypass procedures.

The VASOVIEW 5 Endoscopic Vessel Harvesting System allows the physician to remove a vessel from the leg of the patient through one small incision. The procedure traditionally requires an incision that runs the entire length of the limb. The newest generation of VASOVIEW is smaller in diameter, making it potentially easier for the user to perform endoscopic vein harvesting on patients with thinner legs or more difficult anatomy.

"Endoscopic vessel harvesting is an important component in making cardiac surgery less invasive," said Nicky Spaulding, president, Cardiac Surgery, Guidant Corporation. "We are committed to the ongoing advancement of devices that allow physicians to perform minimally invasive cardiac procedures in as many patients as possible."

Patients who undergo endoscopic vessel harvesting tend to recover more quickly than those patients who undergo traditional vessel harvesting and may be at lower risk for post-operative infections because of the smaller incisions. More than 150,000 patients have undergone endoscopic vessel harvesting with the VASOVIEW System.

The VASOVIEW 5 Endoscopic Vessel Harvesting System in combination with the AXIUS(tm) Off-Pump System comprise Guidant's OPCRES (Off-Pump Coronary Revascularization with EndoScopic vessel harvesting) system. OPCRES combines beating heart bypass surgery with endoscopic vessel harvesting to offer patients multiple benefits, which may include shorter recovery times and a reduced risk for both postoperative infection and cognitive impairment. As reported in The Wall Street Journal, a recent study in Hawaii found that beating heart surgery can avert some of the memory and other neurological problems that can occur in patients who undergo traditional open-heart surgery procedures.

Guidant Corporation pioneers lifesaving technology, giving an opportunity for better life today to millions of cardiac and vascular patients worldwide. The company, driven by a strong entrepreneurial culture of more than 10,000 employees, develops, manufactures and markets a broad array of products and services that enable less invasive care for some of life's most threatening medical conditions.
